Interview questionnaire

author bio:

Teddy Pierce is a writer, speaker, and political commentator. Author of the new book: “Dethrone Davos – Save America,” available on Amazon and Kindle, coming to Audible soon. Teddy’s educational background is in classic (Aristotelian) philosophy, and Thomistic (Natural Law) ethics. He is an outspoken advocate for the American form of government and the Natural Law. Conversely, he also speaks and writes on the dangers of collectivist ideologies, relativism, and communism. Teddy resides in his neck of the woods, in his non-descript house with his undescribed family, and enjoys the privacy this purposely vague description affords.

quick links:

Book Website: 

Book Trailer:  

YouTube Channel:

Available on Amazon now: Gadsden-Pierce/dp/B0D5S5D481/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.4v3SHZuMJp1DIaDfeB-RPA.UBiH0jC_nBn7zSFhJERXnEt4aX_8n9l7cvk2tyCv4SA&qid=1720100516&sr=8-1

Chapter 1 sneak peek:

Teddy’s X Handle:

the drive by:

Dethrone Davos is your essential guide to making sense of the economic, political, and cultural chaos of our modern moment. Be empowered to ‘dethrone’ your would-be overlords and their political operatives, rescript the narrative, and build a brighter future for America.

the 30k view:

Dethrone Davos is a three-part conversation. The first section exposes our modern economic landscape, revealing the true owners and controllers. This counter-narrative exposing the “Thrones of Davos” launches us into deeper insights. The second section connects our would-be overlords to their political operatives, showing how these apparent opponents often share the same goals. In the final act, we unravel the political divides of our chaotic times, uncovering the true nature of their arguments, and their inevitable conclusions. Dethrone Davos is your ultimate guide through the coming storm. Discover how we can free ourselves from the harmful ideas that threaten our future. And learn how to build a renewed American future for ourselves, our children, and the world.

back of book synopsis:

AMERICA STANDS AT THE BRINK — an unstable economy, divided politics, and cultural chaos threaten to push us over the edge. Dethrone Davos is your compass through the coming storm. This eye-opening book uncovers the powerful undercurrents reshaping our world. From the madness of Wall Street to the partisan battles on Capitol Hill, it connects the dots between the economic, political, and social upheavals we face. Dethrone Davos doesn’t just diagnose our nation’s ills, it charts a new course for America’s future. Inside, gain a clearer view of the forces obscuring the path ahead. Understand why the economy breeds unease and culture wars rage. Learn how to make sense of partisan divides and restore order to the nation. Dethrone Davos reveals a bold vision for righting the ship. No longer a passenger, you’ll have the insights to take the wheel and steer America towards renewed prosperity. Don’t just watch history unfold — read this book and help rewrite our future.

Key chapters for content:

-         Chapter 1 is an extended synopsis of the book (on the website).

-         Chapter 4 is a good synopsis of Part I.

-         Chapters 6 & 7 provide the framework between America’s two competing ideologies.

-         Chapter 10 compares the inevitable future of accepting one over the other.

-         Chapters 13 &14 round out the philosophy and path to reclaiming America.

Key Themes from the book (fuel for conversation):

1.      The primary and recurring theme in the book is recognizing that our political divide is actually much, much deeper. It’s a full-blown ideological divide. The pull in opposite directions stems from the fight between realism and relativism (defined on pg. 23).

a.      Relativism lived out is the ‘worship of the uninhibited self.’ Meaning you believe you are ‘free’ by becoming the center of your own little universe, free from morals or any other obligations.

b.      Quote on relativism from chapter 1: “Relativism, an ideology that requires you to possess such an open mind, that your brain falls right out of your head… and the world descends into madness.”

c.       Practically this looks like: confusing the nature of reality (what we can affect and what we can’t).

d.      A demand for ‘equity’ and ‘social justice’ on a universal scale, always at the hands of government intervention, and always defined in ways convenient to their narrative.

e.      A call for policies and laws not based in efficacy, but rather laws that give the right feeling about one’s political positions.

2.      This book is a counter-narrative to the prevailing narrative given to us in modernity; a product of the ‘empire of lies.’ The powers that be desperately want to keep their plans and goals hidden.

a.      The Great Reset of 2030 is a plan to ‘shock the system.’ In order for them to be successful, they already have to have a lot of institutional control in the world’s governments. Hence, the alliance with the collectivists: the central planning tyrants who will already be ‘friendly’ to their proposed ‘solution.’

b.      Quote from chapter 9: “And the plain truth is this: the Progressive Party cannot achieve their vision as long as God is America’s King, and We The People adorn our little piece of his crown.”

c.       If we are able to see past the lies of our declared enemy, we can begin to understand our own personal calling and what is required of us to save our nation.

d.      If we can be critical thinkers, fully reasoned in our outlook on the world, we are far less likely to be manipulated and controlled; by our government or anyone else.

e.      We have to be able to shift the paradigm before they do. What they have planned eludes the imaginations of most people. The truth won’t let them preserve their own belief in humanity.

f.       But you can rest assured: that which is outside of the realm of probability in your mind—that is surely the one thing that you will never see coming.

g.      If we continue to flirt with moral relativism for the sake of convenience and ‘doing what feels good,’ we will not be strong enough to defeat our declared enemies.

full Table of contents/chapters


1.      Welcome to the Reset Event Horizon

2.      Who Rules the World?

3.      The 0.000001%

4.      The New World Order & How We Got Here

5.      Their Ultimate End: The Great Reset


6.      The Soul of America

7.      The Soul of the Global Communist Movement

8.      Why There Are No Communist Governments

9.      The Marxists: The Ultimate Useful Idiots

10.   Whose Future Will We Live In?


11.   The Greatest Conspiracy: The Denial of the Satan Adjacent

12.   The Death of Relativism and All of its False Promises

13.   He Places Before You Life or Death; Choose Life

14.   What Can I Do? And What Must Be Done.

15.   In Conclusion: Reset Wisely


Chapter 1