Chapter 1 :

Welcome to the reset event horizon

Word to the Reader

This book will either become forgotten or obsolete in time. It will either be burned and erased from history by a rising regime, or it will serve as (at least one) guide out of the madness in which we are descending. History does not repeat itself but like a poem, it flows ever onward … still managing to rhyme with itself. There are timeless principles in this book, and therefore, as an echo of days gone by, some future reader might find solace here as they face what a future age holds. But this book is not written for some future age or to address some past abuse; it is written for our age. I want to directly address the poison that we don’t even realize is already destroying our minds. In doing so, it is important that you understand the harm that is being inflicted upon us—on you—is being done by design. Stop to make sure you have wrapped your head around that before reading on.

When an enemy lays siege and declares war on you, you are not at leisure to deny your enemy their war. You must either surrender or fight, which means there are a few ways to lose but only one way to win. War was waged long ago, before many of us ever came to the fight. In fact, the war has been going on for so long that the enemy’s siege has worked. Now they hold the keys to the kingdom. If you are still fighting for this country, you are now the insurgent, the new rebellion, who now must get creative in laying your own siege. Choose to do nothing about your enemy or yourself, and you will most certainly be controlled. Fight with frail weapons and a small mind, and you will be humiliated first and then controlled. Rather, choose your weapons of war wisely, prepare for the battle, and outmaneuver your enemy.

I am not exactly sure when the wisdom of the ages will be officially declared contraband, but your enemy has taken great strides to make sure it is dying in the court of public opinion. If it is allowed to be snuffed out, forgotten, or erased from the memory of this age, you will have forfeited the only thing that can defeat the enemy, who, make no mistake, controls the citadel now. You must realize that the country we once had is controlled by your declared enemy. Now, we are the resistance fighters who must take it back.

In The Art of War, Sun Tzu says something profound about the nature of war. The book that delves deeply into the strategies and tactics of war begins by shifting the reader’s mindset about the mission and goal the tactician should be striving for. Lesson 1 is that war is not about war; it is not about military might, nor is it even inherently about the conflict at hand. Fundamentally, we understand that there are winners and losers in war. But understanding how to get into the winner’s circle requires a different and more foundational way of thinking; one cannot simply wish or will themselves into it. Winners in war are not declared; they are proven by their enemy’s defeat; winners win by controlling and overcoming the loser. Sun Tzu recognized that control of the situation is an inestimable asset in any conflict.

It is out of this concept that tacticians must operate as they approach any conflict that they hope to win. Sun Tzu goes into detail on how to maximize one’s control over terrain, situational strategy, mental and physical preparations, and even controlling the enemy’s perception and morale. What is a foregone conclusion in his writing is that you will not always be the stronger force. The inevitability of victory or defeat is based not in any perception or reality but rather in who commands control of the conflict. And this, my friends, leads to perhaps the keenest insight of the book: control of the conflict begins long before you find yourself toe-to-toe with the enemy on the battlefield. If your strategy begins after the first shot is fired, you have deeply misunderstood the necessary elements to win a war. So egregiously that you may have lost the war before it has ever had a chance to begin.

If you understand that conflict is won or lost by who commands control, then you can understand what Sun Tzu means when he says, “All warfare is based on deception.”1 Paraphrasing now: ‘If you are strong, appear weak; if you are weak, appear strong.’ This is akin to the advice given to trial lawyers: when you are questioning someone on the stand, do not ask a question that you do not know the answer to. While everyone might be surprised by the revelation, no one will be surprised that you lost the case. It is also similar to effective negotiation: begin by negotiating to terms well beyond your point of compromise, and always be able to walk away from the table. The wise man knows not to reveal everything about his position when it comes to dealing with conflict. In fact, by practicing the art of deception and appearing to be the opposite of what you are, you can often get your enemy to unknowingly reveal his own position and thus give you greater control of the conflict. If you think that sounds too Machiavellian or harsh, just remember: we aren’t talking about your friends; we are talking about your enemies. Transparency and authenticity are the most likeable and admirable human traits. Common sense and neuroscience both tell us that we are far more attracted to authentic people. But when you find yourself in a conflict, you must operate by a different set of rules, or you will be overcome by an enemy who will use anything and everything against you in their pursuit to command control (including your authenticity, your transparency, and your good will).

This is why it is paramount for you to understand that what is happening is not an accident of circumstance. It is being deliberately done to you by an enemy who wants to control you. If you fail to understand this, you will continue to fumble through life, treating your enemies and your friends as equals until you have neither. You will end up in the lonely place of being a loser, not worth befriending or defeating. You will continue to float in a sea of gray where right and wrong, good and evil, chaos and meaning are all just insignificant outcomes of losing a war you can’t even see is being waged on you. A war that you are forfeiting by doing nothing—a war you are losing by thinking you can deny your enemy their war.    

There is one last juxtaposition that I want to draw from the wisdom of The Art of War. Sun Tzu says, “to fight and conquer … is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” 2 Winning a war without ever engaging in kinetic battle was, in Sun Tzu’s estimation, the greatest victory; to win merely by tactic and not physical defeat on the battlefield. Conversely, there is only one scenario in The Art of War where Sun Tzu recommends direct engagement in kinetic war with your enemy, and it is this: when there is no advantage to be gained from the weather or environment–and you are strategically disadvantaged and trapped by the terrain–and, most importantly, when your enemy strikes, you find yourself in what Sun Tzu deemed ‘desperate ground.’ And his advice? “In desperate ground, fight.” 3 Damn the torpedoes, fix bayonets, draw steel, or whatever the call to arms is, you have no choice but to put down the tactician’s lens and fight to the death.

We are not quite there yet, thankfully. However, in desperate times, we must be willing to not only entertain the idea but be willing and prepared for it. If we continue to deny our enemy their war, if we continue to give up ground and allow ourselves to be backed into a corner, if our plan is to start strategizing when the first punch is thrown, we will lose. And any method of our ever winning again will be destroyed by the enemy. This book and any others that even give hints on how to defeat their ideology will be burned. Do not expect your enemies to be your friends once they have complete control over this conflict.

Recognize you are in a conflict, recognize your enemy, and recognize that what is happening is happening because your enemy has brought this conflict to your door. Denying your enemy their war is no longer an option, and choosing to do nothing is forfeit. It is time that we put on the tactician’s armor and outmaneuver our enemy. Only one of us is going to command control of this conflict in the end. To win is a necessity, because our enemy will certainly not transform into a benevolent victor once they are completely established. We must ultimately be better in victory, but let us not talk about the spoils of war before the war has been won. So let us prepare for war by knowing our enemy first and then by knowing ourselves. Then, let us be unafraid to do what is necessary to command complete control of the conflict that is being waged upon us. There is only one way to win; any other path taken is merely some form of defeat … and only the victor gets the spoils.


The Premise

There is a stirring in the West and indeed throughout the world. It is like the unease of beholding an approaching storm that does not come in its season or upon its usual bearing. We live in interesting times, whether we want to acknowledge it or not. These times feel both common and foreign, sometimes easy to understand and sometimes too baffling to comprehend. We are at a precipice in history, a seminal moment whereupon the end of an age will close and the world will never be the same. An event horizon is the point of no return; it is the place where things are forever changed. History is not yet written because you have not lived it yet and your descendants (or those that have defeated you) have not written it about you. You will shape the outcome of the end of this age, and your thoughts, your actions, and your character will decide whether the next age begins in freedom or slavery.

In this moment—our moment—there is much unrest and violence, and there seems to be an endless cacophony of competing ideologies. Today’s politics seem disjointed and polarized as the positions of both the right and left shift under our very feet. All of it can make sense, but not through the old paradigmatic lenses of politics, society, and culture. We are not living in times that can harken back to previous decades for grounding; if we think we can navigate the next decade by mimicking the last, we do so to our own peril. The world in the information age has shifted so far beyond most people’s imaginings that they have no idea what they are up against. Even those who believe in a conspiracy or three might be caught flat-footed when what looms before us comes into full view. The upheaval of information–who has it and who hides it–is an elaborate scheme being manipulated, sometimes exposed, but always orchestrated to a very precise end by a very particular group of people. They are at the center of all of this, and the rest of the noise is manufactured or allowed to exist for the purpose of making a fog so thick that the true nature of what they are doing is never exposed. That is, until they have achieved their end, and nothing that we failed to notice will have mattered anyway.

If you want this book to be a Democrat or a Republican manifesto, you will end up disappointed. If you want it to be a defense of our current purple establishment, you will be sorely disappointed. I won’t pretend to be a moderate either; people who stand in the middle during this time are going to be hit by a truck going one way or the other. You will come to know my biases and my viewpoint of the world throughout this book. I hope by the end of this book our differences on religion, politics, or social issues will be properly couched in light of what will be required to conquer our common enemy. I am under no false pretenses: I am in this fight, I have chosen my side, and I damn sure plan to win.

However, my side is not going to conveniently line up with partisan politics. No matter where you are on the political spectrum, just wait; I’m sure I’ll get to your pet issue and piss you off with my perspective. I joke, but pretending that we can interpret what is going on in the world today through these old lenses is a huge part of the problem; it’s why we cannot see more clearly what is going on. Worse, it is causing a massive delaying action by which the people who wish to see America’s demise are gaining ground while most of our elected officials are still trying to figure out what time it is. Worse of all, it is making us think that we are enemies and on opposite sides of their game. But it’s their game, a game they fully anticipate winning and a game that requires all of us to be losers. What game, you might say? The one that is being played in plain sight, if only we have eyes to see. Here is my case in the simplest terms I can distill it down to. Theoretically, it’s a conspiracy theory. This is the lens that you must look through for the chaos of the West and the world to make sense. Here is my elevator pitch.


The Elevator Pitch

The owners of the Federal Reserve (the Fed), the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (the IMF) have gained a plurality of ownership of the world’s wealth. They have done so by establishing a debt-based monetary system for the world’s reserve currency (the USD), as well as adopting the roll of ‘the house’ in their international casino enterprise known as ‘stock markets.’ Their influence over world economies and therefore world politics is unparalleled and incomparable to any regime in history. We are now at the precipice where their influence and power are stronger than any other force on earth, and they are mobilizing it in a radically new way. They have formed a Political Action Committee (PAC) called the World Economic Forum (WEF) and have declared that they will achieve their political vision by 2030. That is to establish a centrally-planned one world government with complete global hegemony, and they will achieve this end by any means necessary.


The Game Afoot

Who are these villains, you might ask? You don’t know them. The faces of the World Economic Forum are the new initiates. Sure, Klaus Schwab is the founder, but he does not provide the organization’s legitimacy. He is there to appear as an intellectual figurehead and do the public work and the bidding of the people whose wealth makes him blush. The people that run the WEF don’t count their wealth; they weigh their wealth in influence and power. As comedian JP Sears puts it, ‘money is a poor man’s currency.’ You can look back at the historical record and find the names of the people who own the Fed and the IMF. These families have been established wealth for generations, and you rarely hear from any of them. And why would we? They live in places that are more luxurious than any king’s or dignitary’s palace. They vacation in places that you have never heard of. Because those places only exist for their enjoyment; the hoi polloi can’t make reservations on a travel site. They want for nothing materially and live in such a lap of luxury that it would dumbfound modern kings and queens. If the royalty of antiquity were able to peer into this state of wealth, they would think that they were seeing a vision of Mount Olympus! The lower ranks of these families go to Oxford or Harvard, but the direct descendants and heirs are even too elite to attend these lowly schools and rub shoulders with that upper echelon. It is not surprising then, having no real contact with the humanity they feel a sovereign godship over, that they see the world as theirs and people as nothing more than chattel to be manipulated and controlled.

And it stands to reason that their political action committee, the WEF, attracts bond villains, intellectual psychos, and autistic computer nerd billionaires who are equally out of touch with humanity and reality. I don’t know if they are lizard people, but that particular conspiracy does capture at least one true element: they are so far removed from humanity and so insulated from the common experience of man that they might as well be a different species. It may not be their conscious thought, but it is certainly an underlying feature of how they view the world. The real power behind the WEF is not a corporate CEO, your rich neighbor down the street, or even the eccentric jet setters of the world. This echelon of elites doesn’t consider billionaires in their class and probably mocks people like Elon Musk at their dinner parties. It is a very small ring of influence that finds themselves in the precarious position of being on top, looking down at all of us, and navigating how best to control us for the sake of their power.

So, for the sake of this book and open dialogue, let’s define this upper echelon of the elite of the world. These are the people of such unimaginable wealth that they consider themselves the kingmakers of the world. Thus, they believe themselves to sit upon the throne of the world itself. So, in all fairness, let us call our would-be sovereign overlords the Thrones of Davos (or T.O.D.s for short). This would be the very small, interconnected group of people who have gained an outsized plurality of the world’s wealth through their banks and their own stock positions in the companies that are financed through their banks. This small group consists of fewer than a hundred families (and perhaps far fewer) from around the world that have outsized sway of nearly every global system, and thus the global population of eight billion people. This cabal is now seeking to use their economic power to reign in the governments of the world and pull them under their tutelage. That is the driving force behind the madness that we are seeing in the world today.  

How do you know this, you might ask? The sign posts are everywhere. Until it gets banned, there is a video floating around the internet that compares the opening statements of local news channels across the country. If you type ‘this is a danger to our democracy’ into your search bar, you will find the eerie video of local broadcasters throughout the United States repeating the exact same diatribe from 2016. It is clearly a word-for-word script, warning of the dangers of ‘fake news,’ online media companies ‘spreading misinformation,’ and how this is a ‘danger to our democracy.’ And it is repeated nearly verbatim; the producer of the video did a good job cutting the broadcasts together so that you could see the lock-step. Every newscaster in the country, on every single local TV station, read the same propaganda. Who has the power to orchestrate that? The network, sure, but who can orchestrate all of the networks to say that? The people who control not just one, but all of the media companies. Six corporations pump out over ninety percent of the media that is consumed–everything you watch, listen to, or read. That is scary enough, but who owns those six companies? That’s who I am talking about. That’s who runs the WEF. The WEF has made a ‘prediction’ that by 2030, you will own nothing and be happy. You owning nothing does not eliminate ownership; de facto, it means that we own nothing, and the owners of the WEF go from owning a majority of everything to owning everything—everything.

You can go to the WEF website and read all of this for yourself; I encourage you to do so. On their website, you will find all kinds of cool articles on their so-called philanthropic work, technology, and societal advancements through the collaboration of countries. All of it is designed to look benign, to appear that they themselves are consultants and collaborators on the world stage, and to suggest that they just want what’s best for humanity. But it is all designed as a mechanism to hide their plans in plain sight. If you can listen to their arguments, read their ‘predictions’ for 2030, and parse fact from fiction, a different picture begins to emerge. They have plans for the world, that’s for sure. Their plans would require a total upending of societies around the world, and we are seeing just the tip of the spear in our modern chaos.

Eventually, the goal is to destroy the countries of the world, beginning with the most powerful: America. They will do this by imposing the global communist movement. That self-loathing hatred of Western heritage, and an economy driven by virtue signaling that will drive the prosperity of the West into a ruin. A ruin from which those economies, and thus those countries, cannot return. It is a manufactured anno-cyclosis–the cycle of regimes. Anno-cyclosis says that monarchy decays into oligarchy, oligarchy decays into democracy, and then democracy decays into a chaos requiring a strong man to rule it; hence, the cycle begins over with monarchy. We are in the chaos now, but in this timeline, we have an oligarchy manufacturing the chaos that will legitimize their right to rule.

Global communist movement: The global collection of people who espouse the Marxist form of communism and actively bring these ideas into their academic, intellectual, and political pursuits. This group is cohesive in Marx’s own call for this idea to rule over every political and economic system of the world, thus bringing ‘the revolution’ to its end.

(Source: The author intends to define this as a unique term for the purposes of this book, regardless of similar usage of the words or phrases by any other person who would define it differently.)


How Relativism is Involved (and Central to the Plot)

As I said in my introductory note, this book is for our time. It is for this age, and I want to address the pitfalls we encounter, overcome our failures, and use the strategies we must use to reclaim our country. As this book seeks to expose the people who pose the most radical threat to our way of life, I feel it is equally necessary to also expose their ideology and their modes of operation. Therefore, this book will also seek to expose the dangerous philosophy of relativism and why it is the most radical threat that we face in the world today. This is the decoder ring, if you will, to defeating the WEF and saving America. You encounter the phenomenon of relativism in countless different ways, and you most likely do so without knowing it. You have certainly experienced relativism, even if you had no means of identifying it.

Relativism is romanticized by our modern culture as the wise, more understanding, and more ‘woke’ point of view and is a hero in the modern narrative. The villains of the story of the modern narrative are many. Relativism stands opposed to almost every aspect of historical civilization, and therefore its enemies are … most (if not all) civil institutions (like civil law, basic moral conduct, social contract, religion, etc.). Because relativism is out to blame and destroy all of that which has come before, it leaves me wondering if an ‘Oedipus Complex’ does justice in describing the modern narrative. For it makes a villain out of the order that bore it while making a hero out of the chaos and destruction it produces. And that is where the rubber meets the road; relativism is the devolution of human thought. It is the unraveling of civil society and the destruction of human decency.  Relativism is savagery, plain and simple. It is tribal warfare, clan bickering, simple bullying, and downright brutishness. It destroys human relationships and makes human flourishing impossible, for the user or the used. By its very nature, relativism cannot build anything up.  

relativism /rĕl′ə-tĭ-vĭz″əm/ (noun) - The theory that value judgments, as of truth, beauty, or morality, have no universal validity but are valid only for the persons or groups holding them.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition 

What is this terrible beast? Simply put, it is a denial of truth. It is the principal position that nothing is absolute—that everything is relative. Of course, we can all have our differences of opinion; social and cultural diversity should be fostered. As long as it is a circumstance where the truth is not being discerned. We all have our likes and dislikes, and for trivial things like cultural tastes, we are entitled to our ‘relative’ opinions. When it comes to sandwiches, relativism is good. Where it becomes the destroyer of worlds is when it becomes the prevailing life ideology of a society and the decider of morals and justice. To approach the whole of life in this way is to do nothing less than pretend one’s preference for mustard is just as trivial as their distaste for murder.

Relativism is barbarism; it is a world where there is no right or wrong, and the one with the biggest stick, the loudest mouth, and the smoothest tongue wins. Relativism will eat through the philosophy, reason, and logic that built the comfortable home it gladly devours. Know well the beast of relativism, for it is the beam in our generation’s eye as we poke at the splinters of generations past. This book will revisit relativism often and shed light on the myriad of ways this self-refuting premise truly is the destroyer of worlds. G.K. Chesterton, in his book Orthodoxy, points to a key insight into relativism. He describes ‘a thought that stops thought’ and rightly concludes that this is ‘the only thought that ought to be stopped.’ Relativism is by nature dismissive; it is deconstructionist. Relativism is the basis for all thoughts that stop thought. Today, it goes by many names: liberalism, collectivism, socialism, communism, critical theory, critical race theory, gender theory, etc. The list is practically unlimited and so intertwined with our social norms that it becomes maddening to try and make sense of it all. At the heart of all of these evil ideologies is the theology of relativism. They all rest on the evil premise that it is impossible to discern good ideas and actions from evil ones. And that those who would insist on a shared reality and a common truth are therefore evil as well.

All of these ideologies are entangled together for many reasons, and none of these reasons are for the benefit of society, the betterment of your life circumstances, or the good of your soul. In the end, it is about manipulation and control. People who are confused are easier to deceive. People without a strong moral sense are easy to lead astray. People who have lost the ability to reason for themselves are easier to manipulate. People who cannot draw distinctions or see nuance are easier to bully. People who are afraid of threats are easier to coerce into acting against their own interests. People who are addicted to pleasures are easier to distract from higher things. People who are morally compromised are easier to blackmail. People who are addicted to modern conveniences are easier to extract loyalty from. People whose government provides them with sustenance will also come to provide their rights, and those people are subjects, not citizens. And the more of these crutches that can be foisted on society, the easier the people will be to control. It is not a mistake that we live in this madness; that we live in a world that cannot see right from wrong—or even define the two. It is by design that prominent people express their opinions and call it ‘my truth.’ It is an orchestrated chaos that asserts that the words ‘my lived experience’ trump all reason or data to the contrary. It all stems from the pernicious theology of relativism. An ideology that requires you to possess such an open mind that, ultimately, your brain falls right out of your head … and the world descends into madness.

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